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Tag: wireless swearing ban

Swearing Banned at Wireless Festival | Novar responds to Friends of Finsbury Park

Swearing has been banned at Wireless Festival due to a group called Friends of Finsbury Park campaigning to have the festival cancelled, and the council deciding on the ban as a compromise. Novar appeared on RT News recently to debate the issue with Friends of Finsbury Park, and they have since responded to accusations he made that there is a racist agenda. Check those videos below.

RT News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiRMoflTjLk

Friends of Finsbury Park response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1gdNdRUsgk

Debate: Wireless Festival will return to Finsbury Park with ban on swearing

Wireless Festival will return to Finsbury Park with ban on swearing. ‘Friends of Finsbury Park’ have been trying to have the festival banned for the passed 4 years, and this has been the councils compromise. In this video Novar debates the issue with Martin Ball from Friends of Finsbury Park on RT News.